With decades of experience, we can provide services in all areas of criminal law and traffic law.
Criminal Law
At CNG Law we are able to assist clients throughout all stages of your criminal matter including initial representation with you at a police station, bail applications, through to trials, sentencing and appeals, as well as Parole Applications.
We service all areas of criminal law, including but not limited to:
Violent Offences – including murder and manslaughter
Sexual Offences
Drug Offences
Offences against children/Child Pornography
Fraud/Dishonesty/Theft/Stealing Offence
Confiscation/Proceeds of Crime Offences
Break and enter/Burglary Offences
Perjury/Contempt of Court Offences
Family and Domestic Violence Offences
Weapons Offences
Public Nuisance/Indecency Offences
Tax and Corporations Offences
Corporate Offences
Workplace and WorkCover Prosecutions
Occupational Health and Safety Offences
Commonwealth Offences
Environmental Protection Offences
Advices regarding the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) and Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC)
​Parole Applications and Reviews
Traffic law
CNG Law is able to assist you in dealing with the technical area of Traffic Law. We understand and appreciate that Traffic Offences can turn into complex issues for our client’s and can potentially impact upon their capacity to work.
We are able to assist you in all areas of Traffic Law, including but not limited to:
Dangerous Driving Offences
Disqualified Driving Offences
Unlicensed Driving Offences
Drink Driving Offences
Drug Driving Offences
Work Licence Applications
Vehicle Impoundment Issues
Demerit Point Disqualification

Criminal Law Sunshine Coast
Facing charges for a criminal offence can be intimidating as not only have you been accused of an offence, you are also required to navigate a legal system that you may not know how to deal with. The importance of having a Criminal Defence Lawyer, to advise you on your rights and your options is of vital importance.
Our criminal law system is complex, and if you do not navigate it properly you could say or do something that may cause significant further issues for you. Before providing any statement or engaging in any interview with Police, we would recommend that you contact CNG Law and discuss your rights, and the impact providing any statement may have upon your matter.
We have offices on the Sunshine Coast and in Brisbane, and can arrange for appearances throughout Queensland in the Magistrates Court, District Court and Supreme Court.
If you have been issued with a Notice to Appear (NTA) in Court or you have been formally arrested or charged with an offence we are able to act on your behalf and assist you in navigate the criminal law system. This can include obtaining police reports, negotiating charges, providing advice to you on all relevant legislation, preparing witnesses and witness statements, as well as advocating for you at a trial, or assisting you in entering a plea of guilty.
We strongly recommend that you do not enter into any discussions with Police prior to seeking legal advice, nor should you enter a plea in any Court proceedings without obtaining legal advice. At CNG Law we service all areas of criminal law, including but not limited to:
Violent Offences – including murder and manslaughter
Sexual Offences
Drug Offences
Offences against children/Child Pornography
Fraud/Dishonesty/Theft/Stealing Offence
Confiscation/Proceeds of Crime Offences
Break and enter/Burglary Offences
Perjury/Contempt of Court Offences
Family and Domestic Violence Offences
Weapons Offences
Public Nuisance/Indecency Offences
Tax and Corporations Offences
Corporate Offences
Workplace and WorkCover Prosecutions
Occupational Health and Safety Offences
Commonwealth Offences
Environmental Protection Offences
Advices regarding the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) and Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC)
Parole Applications and Reviews
Traffic law
If you have been charged with a traffic offence such as drink drug, unlicensed, suspended or disqualified driving our team at CNG Law can assist you.
Our team has extensive experience in representing clients charged with an offence under the Traffic Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995. Including the ‘normal’ offences listed above, or more serious offences such as failing to remain at the scene of an accident or dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death.
We understand that traffic offences can have a significant effect on your work, or ability to carry out your daily routine. Even if you are guilty of the offence you have been charged with, we may be able to assist you to negotiate the best possible outcome for you having regard to your personal circumstances and the facts of your charges.
At CNG Law we will obtain detailed instructions, and relevant information and provide you with clear and accurate advices as to your options and the likely outcome of your proceedings. We will also provide you with realistic advices as to the benefit of defending proceedings, or negotiating with Prosecution where possible.
Our team at CNG Law can assist you with all traffic offences including but not limited to:
Dangerous Driving Offences
Disqualified Driving Offences
Unlicensed Driving Offences
Drink Driving Offences
Drug Driving Offences
Work Licence Applications
Vehicle Impoundment Issues
Demerit Point Disqualification
If you require advice or representation in a traffic matter do not hesitate to contact our team at CNG Law.